This site is always going to be a work in progress!

If you have been visiting regularly, you will notice the look of my blog looks different almost everyday. The reason is that I am trying to customize an attractive look for my readers...and because it is alot of fun trying to figure it all out! I hope that you enjoy watching the changes...until I get it just right. Love Ya!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Goodbye Valdosta!

After six and a half years (four and a half years as a undergrad at Valdosta State University, and two years on staff with Campus Outreach) I have packed up all of my stuff and said goodbye to Valdosta, GA. It is the longest I have ever lived any where in my entire life! I really liked Valdosta. The Lord began to show me in the past two months that I have lots to be thankful for. For the most part, most of my growth as a Christian happened there...the Lord put people in my life that are now lifelong friendships, gave me a vision for evangelism and discipleship, began to show me what it means to fight to trust Him with all the things in my life, and opened a door wide open for me to pursue the long awaited desire I have had to do urban ministry!
I am now in Vidalia, GA where my parents live. Until the big move to Memphis, I will be going to Augusta, GA for Campus Outreach Staff Training for a week, then returning to Vidalia to spend a week with family and try to raise support, then going to Marianne and Ryan's wedding in Albany, and then going back home for a couple of days. Then finally on May 24th, my family is going to help me move to Memphis!
This just the beginning, I know. I haven't even gotten there. But on this blog, I am planning on sharing with anyone who wants to know what the Lord reveals to me. Will you venture with me? I would really love for you to come with me as I follow the Lord and walk by faith!

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These Three Kings said...

woo whoooo!!! you did it!! I am soo excited, cant wait to read more!!
Love you girl!